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      • 亚洲艺术中心(北京馆)
        亚洲 名家字画专卖

      亚洲艺术中心(Asia Art Center)「眼光·诚信·专业」打造国际级的画廊

        亚洲艺术中心(Asia Art Center)成立于1982年,迄今即将迈入第30年,在北京及台北皆有展示空间,始终秉持着以「眼光.诚信.专业」为永续经营的理念,来发掘及推广优秀的艺术家,并以呈现最高质量的艺术家创作和展览为首要原则,进而建构一个高水平、多元化,和精致化的国际艺术平台。


      近年来亚洲艺术中心所主推出的【新东方精神】概念,即立足于自身传统文化观念和价值体系下,在充分融合东西方美学理论精髓后而产生的另一种当代美学。继2008年【新东方精神I-沉积】及2010年【新东方精神II-承启】大型群展受到极大的关注及肯定后,陆续推出【新东方精神】概念的延伸展: 包括从2011年4月【真与幻---毛栗子个展】、7月的【独立---张方白个展】、9月【存在的痕迹---杨识宏作品展】,11月于台北中正纪念堂重磅推出的【大气---李真大型雕塑个展】在到12月上海美术馆【世纪遗痕---应天齐艺术展】皆备受瞩目及广受好评。2012年将陆续推出更多优质的展览,包括2月份于西雅图弗莱伊美术馆的李真个展等。


      Asia Art Center,

      Asia Art Centerlocated in both Taipei and Beijing, was founded by Mr. Thomas Lee in 1982, with almost thirty years experience as a professional art gallery as well as an art consultancy offering its unique insights, trust, and professional services that has earned goodwill and recognition in the art industry. The main principle of Asia Art Center is to present high-quality exhibitions, discover and promote promising artists. Asia Art Center promotes modern and contemporary art at the same time, while trying to have the best balance between academic and commercial approaches.

      In recent years, Asia Art Center has started to commit itself to promote the very important concept, "the Spirit of the East”, which is the new contemporary aesthetic that combines both the western and oriental culture, aesthetic, and value. Following the success of the exhibitions “Spirit of the East I - Accumulations” in 2008 and “The Spirit of the East II - Bridging” in 2010, Asia Art Center continues to hold a series of exhibitions that further expand the concept of “The Spirit of The East”, such as solo exhibitions by Mao Lizi, Zhang Fangbai, Chihung Yang, and the exhibition entitled “Greatness of Spirit – Li Chen Premiere Sculpture Exhibition in Taiwan”, and “Traces of Centuries – Solo Exhibition of Ying Tianqi” in Shanghai art museum which are high-profile and widely acclaimed. In 2012, Asia Art Center will continually hold high quality exhibitions including the museum exhibition for Li Chen in Frye Art Museum in Seattle.

      Asia Art Center believes that "the main art trend of twenty-first Century is Chinese art. There are unlimited potential for Chinese artists to make their mark in the world of art." Asia Art Center truly expected itself to become of one of the leading and most professional and reputable galleries in Asia in the future.

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